NETGEAR Router DGN2200 Port Forwarding FAILURE

Varie, Web Soft! Nessun Commento »

Per fare in modo che le modifiche su “regole firewall” abbiamo effetto senza restituire un codice di errore, bisogna riavviare il router da “diagnostica” e poi “riavvia”. Entro 30 sec è possibile effettuare la modifica e salvare.
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fatal error: avr/dtostrf.h: No such file or directory arduino

Varie oscar Nessun Commento »

I has obtained this error in opentracker project, that error message appears due to incompatibility between the library used and the board architecture. The Arduino libraries have been written based on the Arduino board architectures and most of them won’t work on other architecture. This means that if you just copy and paste the library, the issue won’t be resolved.

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Virtualbox CentOS 7 mount “none” share folder

MacOSX, PC, Varie, Web oscar Nessun Commento »

Ho installato in VirtualBox CentOS 7, ma quando condivido le cartelle ho avuto una brutta sorpresa.
Il nome della shared folder non è palesata, al suo posto compare un bel “none”.

none shared folder virtualbox

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[SVN] Error: svn: E155004 Commit failed

Varie Soft! Nessun Commento »
Error: svn: E155004 Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E155004: Working copy '/path/to/repo' locked
svn: E155004: '/path/to/repo' is already locked.
find . -name 'lock' -exec rm -v {} \;

The problem is that with Subversion 1.7 this doesn’t work anymore. The good news is there is a better way to do this – and what it appears I should have been doing this all along. All you need is:

<-- linea di comando -->
svn cleanup

<-- interfaccia -->
1 - Select the project
2 - Right click on the selected Project
3 - Team -> Cleanup

If you’re interested, the man page is available in the SVN book.

Paginazione di un datagrid in flex

Varie Soft! Nessun Commento »

L’esempio vale più di mille spiegazioni:

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        import mx.utils.StringUtil;

        private static const DP_LENGTH:int = 100;
        private static const VISIBLE_ROWS_COUNT:int = 20;

        private var currentPage:int = 0;

        private var dataProvider:ArrayCollection;

        protected function init():void
            var dpArray:Array = [];
            for (var i:int = 0; i < DP_LENGTH; i++)
                var item:Object = { first: i, second: Math.random(), third: Math.random() };
            dataProvider = new ArrayCollection(dpArray);
            dataProvider.filterFunction = pagingFilterFunction;

        protected function nextPage():void

        protected function prevPage():void

        private function pagingFilterFunction(item:Object):Boolean
            var start:int = currentPage * VISIBLE_ROWS_COUNT;
            var end:int = start + VISIBLE_ROWS_COUNT - 1;
            var index:int = dataProvider.getItemIndex(item);
            return (index >= start) && (index <= end);

Interessante articolo Adobe Flex DataGrid with 4 million rows. Demo

How to restart tomcat in linux

Java, Linux, Varie Soft! Nessun Commento »

if you are using extracted tomcat then, and are two script located in TOMCAT/bin/ to start and shutdown tomcat, You could use that

if tomcat is installed then

/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 stop
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart

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