Creare un file IPA per iPhone/iPod Touch

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Ecco la lista dei passi da fare per creare un file .ipa:

What you need:
1: An app
2: A patched MobileInstallation file installed on your iPhone or iPod Touch. 
3: Lastly, you need to know that when I say "ProgName", substitute the name of the program you're working with 
Getting the iTunesArtwork file
The iTunesArtwork file is simply a jpeg image with the extension taken off, and is included in application's install folder on your device for every app downloaded from the app store. This image is what appears in the Applications section of iTunes as the icon for the app, and is definitely nice to have -- if you don't have it, you get a generic, black icon that no one wants to see. If you have the iTunesArtwork file, skip all this and go down to the next red headline! Otherwise, read on:
1: Open iTunes on your computer and find your application in the iTunes Music Store. On the application's page, find the app icon at the top-left corner of the page and right-click it. Now choose "Copy iTunes Store URL". Your clipboard now contains something like this:
2: Paste that somewhere (in your browser or a text editor) and replace the section that says
with this:
Go to the resulting URL in your browser.

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