How to Make Apache Start httpd Automatically on Boot in Mac OS X

MacOSX Soft! Nessun Commento »

Set Apache to Start Automatically on Boot in Mac OS X

From the Terminal, enter the following command:

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist

on Boot in Mac OS X

To stop Apache from starting itself automatically upon system start, you simply need to remove the agent from launchd as with any other daemon, like so:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist

Determine if Apache is Loaded or Unloaded in launchd

If you’re not sure whether you have set Apache to load automatically or not, you can query launchd for apache like so:

launchctl list|grep apache

Don’t see apache.httpd returned? Then the daemon is not loaded, and it will not automatically start. Apache can still be used and started manually, but it won’t start itself with a reboot or boot, pretty simple.

Timer Sound

Cordova, iPhone Soft! Nessun Commento »

Timer Sound is an easy to use special app for high intensity interval Training.

Whether you workout regularly, practice meditation or simply need a tool to track your working hours, Timer Sound is for you!
Set as many timers as desired, save the settings & use the customized timers again and again.

You can also create personalized interval workouts with warm-up, workout & rest periods and cool down!

Eclipse si blocca su Android SDK Content Loader

Eclipse Soft! Nessun Commento »

This is the solution I found which works correctly:

  • Make sure that eclipse is not active. If it is active kill eclipse from the processes tab of the task manager
  • Open %USERPROFILE%/ on Windows or simply ~ on Linux/OS X (You can locate this folder from the Desktop)
  • Go to .android folder (This may be a hidden folder)
  • Delete the folder cache which is located inside .android folder
  • Delete the file ddms.cfg which is located inside .android folder
  • Start Eclipse

Buon lavoro.

Cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Permission denied

Linux Soft! Nessun Commento »

Once you find error while executing any package on a system like “cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Permission denied” , it is probably because of SELinux is enforced/enabled on your system.
Solution :

1. Open file /etc/selinux/config
2. change “SELINUX=enforcing” to “SELINUX=disabled”
3. Reboot

if you want to disable SELinux temporarily then just execute bellow command

$ setenforce 0

Samba Recycle

Linux, PC Soft! Nessun Commento »

Tutto è nato dalla domanda: << ma se volessi cancellare da una risorsa in rete ed avere un cestino da dove recuperare eventualmente i file cancellati? >>.

Se non c’è, installiamo il servizio

sudo apt-get install samba-vfs

Il passo successivo è configurare Samba

sudo pico /etc/samba/smb.conf

Abilitiamo il cestino

# Enable the recycle bin
vfs object = recycle
recycle:repository = /mystorage/recycle/%U
recycle:touch = Yes
recycle:keeptree = Yes
recycle:versions = Yes
recycle:noversions = *.tmp,*.temp,*.o,*.obj,*.TMP,*.TEMP
recycle:exclude = *.tmp,*.temp,*.o,*.obj,*.TMP,*.TEMP
recycle:excludedir = /recycle,/tmp,/temp,/TMP,/TEMP

Leggi il resto di questo articolo »

Aggiornare VboxAdditions in VM Linux

Varie oscar Nessun Commento »

Dentro la VM (io uso CentOS 7) digitate:
(controlla che epel non ce l’ha già altrimenti il passo successivo puoi saltarlo)

rpm -Uvh

yum -y install dkms kernel-devel-$(uname -r) kernel-headers-$(uname -r);


mount -o loop VBoxGuestAdditions_5.0.4.iso /media/;


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